Garnet Virtual Machine b2 for Nokia N8xx released.
Jonathan Green gives his impression of the Palm Garnet Virtual Machine for Nokia Internet Tables.
Attention Bonsai users with old desktop OSs.
Bonsai will no longer support Windows versions earlier than Windows 2000.
Bonsai v4.2.6 has been released
This new Bonsai version contains bug fixes for the Bonsai Desktop application that have been made over the last 3 months. No changes were made to the Palm application. A complete list of changes can be found in the readme (look for the “Changes in version 4.2.6” section). The documentation has been updated to include […]
Android has some interesting future apps coming…
If you haven’t heard of “Android”, it is Googles mobile phone platform/OS. Although there currently are no physical android phones available on the market right now, Google does have all the stuff a developer needs in order to start making apps for the future devices. In order to entice developers (similar to what iPhone/Apple and […]
DayNotez (Palm) 3.0.5 build 2905 posted
George has update the Palm DayNotez 3.0.5 to build 2904 and can be downloaded HERE Changes in this build:– Fixed an issue which caused a crash on some systems when closing the SD archive after you modify an entry. You can find out more about previous updates to this version in our Natara User Forums.
myGTD system has to be on the go…
… is a new post over on PalmAddict sent in by Sven Rothe. Indeed, with Bonsai from Natara http://www.natara.com/Bonsai/index.cfm i have lots of possibilities on the palm in one program wich lots of the gtd apps are missing! I can link my structured tasks to Tasks OR Events! An item on the list can even […]
I Spy Smartphones when I Fly
One thing I’ve done since I’ve been in the mobile device business to take my own unscientific observations of devices I see people using when I travel. I mainly do this while at an airport waiting for a flight. I try to keep an eye out for anyone talking on or using a PDA or […]
Blog updated
Just a quick note that I’ve updated the blog to WordPress v2.5.1 (I had earlier updated to 2.5 but there were some security holes and optimizations that needed fixing.) Sorry for the lame post but thought this might prompt me to write my next post (which I’m working on).
Bonsai beta v4.2.6 build 2710 posted
A beta build of Bonsai Desktop version 4.2.6 has been posted. The build number is 2710. New Fixes: Resolved issue with reading icons from an unusually formatted PRC resource file. Fixed conduit crash if user deletes both desktop and palm outline files manually outside of the Bonsai UI. Now an error will be entered in […]
Vista SP1 cleanup
Well, if you are like me and run Windows Vista, and you’ve successfully installed the new service pack 1 update, then you may be interested in getting some disk space back. When you install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 on your computer, the SP1 installer will not remove the older versions of Vista files from […]