
It seems like every new blog starts with a welcome message, and this is ours. I can hear a lot of you saying "well, it’s about time", and we agree. We hope that many of you will subscribe to the RSS feed (see the sidebar) so you can get timely notifications of updates on new releases and news about what’s happening.

I’m not sure at this point if we’ll enable the commenting on the blog or not. I guess it depends on how much "comment spam" we end up having to clean up. For now though, the best place to discuss products with us is still our Natara users forums. Unfortunately, one of the driving factors for us doing this blog is because our ISP has recently broken the ability of our forums to email notifications of new posts out to users (and they have no intention of fixing the problem). We hope the blog will somewhat make up for that. Beside, many of you have been asking for an RSS feed to help keep you informed of new events (something else our aging forum software doesn’t provide) so the blog here is a great place for that. Anytime we want the community at large to know about something, well post it here. If you subscribe to the feed, then you’ll pretty much have the ability to know about it right away.

SO, Welcome… Welcome… Welcome.

One response to “Welcome!”

  1. Now that comments are enabled, I wanted to post a belated kudos for getting the blog set up. I continue to follow the forums, but it is very nice to have an RSS feed pushing notifications about new beta builds, as well as other interesting info.

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